
Main Poop Analysis 2024

To everything there is a POOP. This marks POOP’s 38th annual rite of passage, bringing both the usual musical musings to your device screens and even more digital clutter to your life. This is the point where I typically carp, grouse and grumble about the state of affairs in the nation and the world. But like many I am too numb and too exhausted (too pooped to pop, if you will) to deal with the dread I feel as I write this on January 21st. It just feels different this time. Day by day, I get closer to not even recognizing my own country, a new feeling for me. At this point it’s brace for impact. But this does render the arrival of POOP to be most timely and welcome. Sixteen people chose to share their picks this year.

Don Cohen Poop 2024

Adrianne Lenker // / Beth Gibbons // / Billy Strings // / Chuck Prophet // / Corb Lund // / Ian Hunter // / Iron and Wine // / Kamasi Washington // / Larry Campbell and Theresa Williams // / Liam Gallagher & John Squire,

Jim Finnigan Poop 2024

I was not enthused about ‘new music’ this year. But, I gotta keep up with my old faves, so here goes: #fuckyeahphysicalmedia /// Taylor Swift /// Alicia Svigdals /// The Unholy Modal Rounders /// Peter Stampfel /// The Down Hill Strugglers /// Hopalong Andrew /// Cole Quest and the City Pickers /// The One Eighty Gs /// The Linich Family Trio /// Brian Eno ///

John Lefsky Poop 2024

There’s a lot that I didn’t sit with long enough and will likely grow in my estimation, but that’s the way time goes. There are a bunch I didn’t even get to hear, but as it is I heard a lot. /// Mary Timony, Tristwch Y Fenwod, Beth Gibbons, Redd Kross, KugelschreIbaer,peter Perrett, Amyl And The Sniffers, The Bevis Frond, Oneida, Pypy

Duncan Clark Poop 2024

The Decemberists /// Fontaines D. C. /// Richard Thompson /// Real Estate /// Mdou Moctar /// Nick Lowe And Los Straightjackets /// Gary Clark Jr. /// Linda Thompson /// Vampire Weekend /// His Lordship ///

Eric Fine Poop 2024

Another year in the books! Something feels different about what’s to come. Any ideas why? Stay safe out there people! — Arooj Aftab /// MJ Lenderman /// Still House Plants /// Mount Eerie /// Mannequin Pussy /// Mk.gee /// Friko /// Shellac,Beth Gibbons /// Magdalena Bay

Bill Still Poop 2024

Cindy Lee: Diamond Jubilee /// Roedelius: 90 – these 2 releases dominated my listening & mere words cannot convey the brilliance they display. /// //// //// Khruangbin /// Kim Gordon /// Kim Deal /// Kali Malone /// Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy ///
Tindersticks /// Willie Nelson /// Xiu Xiu ///

Mike Jurkovic Poop 2024

If you awoke fragile today steer clear I’m standing on the dry line gathering steam And may say things I don’t mean or purport to have written Hitch my ride to the pity parade and parrot its opiate shuffle Barely disguise my disgust for the words you choose to screed your codex Your rabid unholy verse Your clown’s redress and how it persuades your querulous legion to shoot me on sight Your sucker theorems historical record Your crap orange portrait alongside FDR his cousin Lincoln and the black guy you’ve demeaned deplored You piece of shit You rat’s ass You hellbent blind soldier at war against science At war against ourselves in which no house stands Not even the gold engraved ones No not even the gold engraved

Mark Rosen Poop 2024

My POOP DISC-CLAIMER (disc-lamer?):
Here’s the usual backwards-looking, retro-inspired list of the records that kept me entertained and engaged these past 12 months. Par for the POOP, there’s not a whole lot of modern, new-to-the-world invention here but it is the stuff that had no problem getting under my skin.

Matt Nerney Poop 2024

There’s been way too much craziness happening this year for me to really focus on new music. I heard a lot of
music, but I just didn’t have the bandwidth to give it more serious consideration. I’ve been trying to catch up for the
last month or so, but the white noise (Trump, if you didn’t know) is overwhelming right now. Hopefully I’ll get a
chance to really dig into all of this music at some point and truly hear it. For now, it feels like this, which is good
enough, I guess.

Mark Zip Poop 2024

ChatGPT 4o mini prompt: Create a 2024 best of list in the style of rock critic Legs McNeil / Jessica Hooper / Greil Marcus / Ernest Hemingway using the following music albums… : Four Tet /// The Umbrellas /// Nia Archives /// Kelly Lee Owens /// NewDad /// Mdou Moctar /// The Cure /// Amyl and the Sniffers /// Beth Gibbons /// Fontaines D.C. /// English Teacher /// Vampire Weekend /// Waxahatchee /// Jamie XX

Michael Hodgkiss Poop 2024

This year I tried something a bit unique for me. Over the years I have never been a fan of “pop” music but recently I have been curious as to “why” some folks (with limited tastes) herald music by one artist, usually a popular artist, over something I personally enjoy. In other words, “Why is the shit I like not on that list?” So, I decided to go “over to the other side” to experience what others consider as “best of the year”. Using a wide variety of polls from various sources I compiled a list (or used their list) and downloaded their choices of albums to listen to. Some choices are pretty interesting (do not mistake interesting with either good or bad). Then, I listened intently to see the “why”, as in Why do folks like this shit?

Rich Allen Poop 2024

Dame Area /// Lola de la Matagalen /// galen Tipton & Holly Waxwing /// Coldplay /// The Cure /// Anoice /// MONO /// Max Richter /// Gabríel Ólafs /// NINA EBA ///

Call for entries 2024

December 2024 Dear POOPster: It is time for the 38th Annual POOPlist. Yes, our numbers have shrunk some but if you’re willing, I’m willing. So . . .you POOPin’? POOP, as you know, is entirely digitial, with Mark Zip pecking away at the keyboard to create the marvelous pooplist.net. Like last year, lists will be posted soon after Zip receives them, leaving my sole functions to be the herding cats and compiling the results (and, of course, sending out bothersome deadline reminders). Many of them. The deadline this year will be January23rd. Please email your list to both Marks (Zip’s…

Main Poop Analysis 2023

January 2024 Dear POOPsters: The 37 th Annual POOPlist now lights up your screens. Despite the tenuous state of the world (and this country’s inglorious contribution to it), we musical know-it-alls meet in the shadows once again to share our POmpous and OPinionated thoughts and ramblings. If nothing else compiling lists of the records that brought us joy and solace sure beats assembling lists of, I dunno, the most horrible climate disasters or the vilest actions on the world stage. The (only) 16 of us who contributed this year have decided that wildfires, droughts, floods, global hostilities and human atrocities…

Jim Meyers Poop 2023

This is my lame intro to my lame list. The end. The Replacements, Jason Isbell and The 400 Unit, Young Fathers, Olivia Rodrigo, Bakar, Cat Power, Ratboys, Anders Parker, Son Volt, Yo La Tengo