Main Poop Analysis 2019

33rd Annual Poop

Dear POOPster:

Here we go again. As the nation flounders and is perhaps on the verge of altogether going down, we POmpous and OPinionated blowhards carry on like the band on the Titanic deck did. And we know how that ended. Now more than ever we need whatever distractions we can muster that might refocus our attention and restore the Old Normal to our lives, which brings us to the 33rd Annual POOPlist. This year only 19 blathering bloviants shot their confetti cannons into the cybersphere. Maybe it was the decision to not post the lists as they were submitted that kept the numbers down. Perhaps it was just POOP ennui. Anyway . . .

The results: there has been no Obstruction of Computation. Because of the paucity of responses this year, any of the titles below (except #1) could have finished in a markedly different spot if only one or two additional poopsters would have included it on their lists. Nevertheless the time-honored tabulation system has been employed, utilizing the customary What-The-Hell’s-He-Talking-About methodology, now imbued with the latest Logarithm and Blues data analytics. One more time, I’ve given 2 points to each pompoid’s Top 10 choices and 1 point to each title beyond a Top 10 or in the variously designated ‘honorable mention’ categories (up to 25 titles in all; more than 25 means half-points).

So without further ado, the unfair and imbalanced results.

1 – ANGEL OLSEN – All Mirrors 10 points (appearing on 6 out of 19 lists)
2 – BOB DYLAN – Travelin’ Thru 1967-1969 featuring Johnny Cash 7½ (4)
3 – JOHN COLTRANE – Blue World 7 (4)
           PURPLE MOUNTAINS – 7 (4)
5 – SHARON VAN ETTEN – Remind Me Tomorrow 6½ (4)
6 – NICK CAVE AND THE BAD SEEDS – Ghosteen 6 (4)
         MDOU MOCTAR – Ilana (The Creator) 6 (4)
          VAMPIRE WEEKEND – Father of the Bride 6 (4)
9 – LANKUM – The Livelong Day 6 (3)
10 – GARY CLARK, JR – This Land 5½ (4)
            BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN – Western Stars 5½ (4)

The usual recognition needs to be extended to my Partner-in-POOP Mark Zip for his stellar efforts in constructing and maintaining this wonderful site. No one will be angry with anyone reading this who decides to donate on the main page to help keep the POOP alive.

Richard Allen – Sayville, NY
Duncan Clark – Milton, NY
Don Cohen – New York, NY
Scott Dell’amore – Pine Plains, NY
Eric Fine – New York, NY
Jim Finnigan – New Hamburg, NY
Michael Fix – Mendocino, CA
Michael C. Hodgkiss – Amity Harbor, NY
Mike Jurkovic – Wallkill, NY
John Lefsky – New Paltz, NY
Bob Lukomski – New Paltz, NY
Matt Nerney – Grafton, NH
Mark Rosen – New Paltz, NY
Andrew Stewart – Rhinebeck, NY
John Stewart – Bloomington, NY
Bill Still – Kingston, NY
Tom Whalen – New Paltz, NY
Dan Wilmer – Jersey City, NJ
Mark Zip – Woodstock, NY

Yours with the Usual Pomp,

Mark Rosen
Proprietor of POOPourri