Articles by KevinH

Kevin Hodgkiss Poop 08

Geeze. It’s not like I don’t spend hours listening to music and this is all I can come up with?! With the incredible 161 volume USA Garage Greats, the fun 76 volume Round Wonders, the Soulin’ CDs, mash-ups and all the wonderful tracks that get passed through the atmospheres, I barely find enough time for new music…..So educate me Poopers! Below are the albums I did manage to grab a hold of which I do like, the first six very much.   Buy New or Used via Amazon CONOR OBERST – Conor Oberst I think it’s silly when people call…

Kevin Hodgkiss Poop 05

    Buy new or used through Amazon 1. INTO THE WOODS – SLEATER KINNEY These ladies build a sound then crash right through it. An exhilarating ride if you take it. And some solos you can actually like. Land ho!!!   Buy new or used through Amazon 2. I’M WIDE AWAKE, IT’S MORNING – BRIGHT EYES When I finally stopped being impatient and got to the end I realized what I had been missing. A talent to be reckoned with. “No one ever plans to sleep out in the gutter. Sometimes that’s just the most comfortable place.” This could…

Kevin Hodgkiss Poop 06

    Buy new or used through Amazon 1. MODERN TIMES – Bob Dylan An older gent with young ideas.     Buy new or used through Amazon 2. ONCE AGAIN – John Legend A young man with old ideas. With a voice that haunts Jeff Buckley and a soul that pulls from Marvin Gaye, someday we may agree that he was correctly named. Gorgeous. Sam Cooke, are you listening?     Torrent? 3. AMERICAN EDIT – Dean Gray It’s like having a girl, and then having her sister too (metaphorically, of course…). Great mash of a great album.  …

Kevin Hodgkiss Poop 04

from the Idiot to the Sweetheart, most things America, with the exception of some drunken Brit sods, a British punk chanteuse , aging Irish heroes, Swedes and a Canadian tribute. Speaking for the land of the free, we have a country legend and a country legend son, gays, ex-con, trailer park punkers, a punk poet, a tiny prophet and some posthumous pop. Tis of thee! Buy from amazon AMERICAN IDIOT – Green Day “Here they come marching down the street like the desperation murmur of a heartbeat.” An American classic. THE HEAT – Jesse Malin “Over mountains, over money, over…

Kevin Hodgkiss Poop 03

1. WANT ONE – Rufus Wainwright A bucket of rhymes he threw up threw up somewhere. Big, bold and beautiful. 2. SOME DEVIL – Dave Matthews Sweet, sad and soulful. 3. A MARK, A MISSION, A BRAND, A SCAR – Dashboard Confessional “…like you meant it and I knew that you meant it.” 4. YOU ARE FREE – Cat Power “Cool hands from the get go can feast on the real one….” 5. KIMI GA SUKI / RAIFU – Matthew Sweet “rocket with a heart”. 6. LLOR N KCOR – Ryan Adams I’m spinning ‘round the room in awe. This…

Kevin Hodgkiss Poop 02

1. BLOOD ON THE TRACKS-Mary Lee’s Corvette Do you think you could actually wear down a CD like a record from too much play? “Try imagining a place that is always safe and warm..,..” and familiar. A tribute beyond tributes. Wonderful, just wonderftil. 2. JERUSALEM-Steve Earle “God stood and saw it was good. ” With the spirit of Keith Richards backing him up he said what no one else had the stones to say. Beauty and truth. In a rocking way. 3. BUSTED STUFF-The Dave Matthews Band I never saw him live. I don’t own any of his live elpees….