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1. DROPKICK MURPHYS- Signed and Sealed in Blood: As much as it pains me to admit it, this was Boston’s year in more ways than one and that includes Fenway’s house band. Their most consistent work to date.
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2. DAVID BOWIE- The Next Day: The soundtrack to my first half of the year. The “not quite dying” theme of the title track had particular resonance for what was going on at the time.
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3. JASON ISBELL- Southeastern: The best songwriter and storyteller I’ve heard since Ryan Adams and Dave Alvin. There’s not a weak song on the album.
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4. PHOENIX- Bankrupt!: My preference for Gallic rock band of the year.
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5. JONATHAN WILSON- Fanfare: Probably the best sounding album on this list. It’s a weird mixture of Laurel Canyon- past and present- with Mitchell and Pink Floyd.
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6. TEDESCHI TRUCKS BAND- Made Up Mind: I’m not sure why it took this long, but they finally sound like a cohesive band. With Trucks, they always had serious musical chops but the original songs are first rate r&b.
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7. SIGUR ROS- Kveikur: The antithesis of last year’s ethereal Valtari, this was a muscular assault on the senses. I didn’t get to many concerts last year, but their show at MSG was great and had one of the best light productions I’ve seen in years. And they were on the Simpsons with Game of Thrones coming up. Life is good.
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8. LINDA THOMPSON- Won’t Be Long Now: In what was truly a family effort. Thompson exhibits the doom and gloom that her was ex was so notable for. Hiring her ex to play guitar on a song called “Love’s for Babies and Fools” shows a pretty wicked sense of humor as well.
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9. WILLIE NILE- American Ride: For someone who in the past would take a decade between albums, he been spitting out these little gems on a regular basis over the last 6 years.
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10. OKKERVIL RIVER- The Silver Gymnasium: Doing for growing up in a small town in NH in the 80’s what “Saturday Night Fever” did for Brooklyn in the 70’s. Well- not quite but it is an interesting testament to a coming of age on the other side of the mountains.
11. CHARLES BRADLEY- Victim of Love: A deeper exploration of old school soul and r&b than his debut.
12. BARRENCE WHITFIELD & THE SAVAGES- Dig Thy Savage Soul: Another band from Boston. Meat and potatoes rock, soul and blues from the 80’s.
13. BRENDAN BENSON- You Were Right: A late entry in the year. Definitely the McCartney to White’s Lennon in the Racounteurs.
14. VARIOUS ARTISTS- Son of Rogues Gallery: The 2nd installment of pirate’s songs with inspired pairings (Tom Waits & Keith Richards) and performances (Shilpa Ray).
15. THE DEL-LORDS- Elvis Club: Another welcome reunion of an 80’s band which is every bit as strong as the albums they did 25 years ago.
16. THE CIVIL WARS- The Civil Wars: They just sound so good together- it makes it easy to ignore the drama around them.
17. THE JAMES HUNTER 6- Minute By Minute: Sure they’re stuck in a moment but they do that small niche of r&b better than anyone this side of Van Morrison.
18. PAUL McCARTNEY- New: New McCartney mining old McCartney is still a hell of a lot better than what otherwise passes for pop music these days.
19. ROSEANN FINO- RoseAnn Fino: I first saw her share a stage with Patti Smith at the Bardavon. She was 6. I always knew that this kid was going to turn out cool. Influenced by her parent’s record collection, nicely produced and backed up by Professor Louie.
20. THE DIRTBOMBS- Ooey Gooey Chewy Ka-blooey!: Surprisingly heartfelt tribute to bubblegum, glam and in one glorious song Brian Wilson.
21. MARK LINDSAY- Life Out Loud: More Doughboys than it is the Raiders but his voice still rocks.
22. YO LA TENGO- Fade: And does a slow burn into your brain.
23. FRIGHTENED RABBIT- Pedestrian Verse
24. THE WOGGLES- The Big Beat
25. VARIOUS ARTISTS- Way to Blue: The Songs of Nick Drake: There are lots of Drake tributes but what sets this apart is that it’s not by musicians who were contemporaries of Drake, but rather by the next generation of musicians who rescued Drake from obscurity.
1. BOB DYLAN- Another Self Portrait (1969-1971): Any reissue which makes you do a 180 degree reassessment of an artist’s work has done its job well.
2. GENE CLARK- Here Tonight: The White Light Demos: Folk singers were criminally over-produced in the 70’s and Clark was no exception. This is some of his best work in simple acoustic settings as they should have been in the first place.
3. THE YOUNG TRADITION- Oberlin 1968: Previously unknown live album by the English traditional music acapella trio which seriously kicks ass.
4. VARIOUS ARTISTS- Los Nuggetz: 60s Garage & Psych from Latin America
5. MOVING SIDEWALKS- The Complete Collection: I’ve been developing a whole new appreciation of Billy Gibbons.
6. DEVO- Live 1981 Seattle: I only wish there was video with this one.
7. POCO- Live at Columbia Studios, Hollywood 9/30/71
8. NEIL YOUNG- Live at the Cellar Door
9. REM- Green deluxe reissue
10. ALBION BAND- Light Shining: The album that got me back into the band in the 80s.