2. tindersticks – the something rain
3. Lambchop – Mr. M
…that’s about it. plenty of great music elsewhere (Ceu, Benjamin Biolay, Jeb Loy, Laetitia Sadier, Blundetto) but as far as new music this year that holds up through an entire listening, the above 3 stand alone.
Guilty pleasure…The Allah-Las!
and…if you had told me that Neil Young would release new tracks that would be nearly 20 minutes long (or longer) i would have scoffed at the idea. Those 3 tracks on Psychedelic Pill are killer. Self indulgent wanking to be sure but awesome nonetheless.
and not… Calexico – Algiers. What a shame. another attempt at a U2
album? one excellent track, No Te Vayas. Seems fitting that Howe Gelb’s
Rock Opera would totally outshine his Tucson brethren.
mm cuba, ny