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iron & wine & calexico – in the reins

francoiz breut – une saison volee

jeb loy nichols – now then (& the october ep on cd at last)

ana d – morning becomes eclectic
& that about does it. the new brian eno has its moments as does the new benjamin biolay.
the daniel lanois is cool but i prefer his pop song stuff.
the bertrand bergalat was worth it for a few songs & a wonderful animated video that was inspired by the alfreda benge artwork on r. wyatt’s ruth is stranger than richard lp.
burnt friedman reinvented himself as a thirties swing band…interesting but not as cool as his neo-dub-jazz.
i’d already paid the $ for the import 12″ers released on the stereolab box but the dvd was worth watching.
the broken flowers soundtrack is great & i bought a couple cool mulatu astatke cds as a result.
& ok, some of ryan adams new stuff is great too.
other than that i spent most of ’05 obsessed with these things (again)… morricone, piccioni, etc. soundtracks, francoise hardy lps & more 60s – 70s brazil, bossa nova.
some highlights as follows…
bruno nicolai – eugenia de sade ’70
francois de roubaix – films of jose giovanni
odette lara
quarteto em cy
bossa cinematica encore
edda dell’orso – dream within a dream
seduction of piero piccioni
ennio morricone – high
ennio morricone – in love
quite frankly, i could choose better material for these italian soundtrack compilations. at least someone is paying attention to this stuff though.
i also stumbled onto the band lambchop. i don’t know why i didn’t try them sooner. awcmon/ no you cmon & is a woman are great!
not a banner year to be sure but plenty of wonderful music to be heard anyway… mm, cuba, ny