piero piccioni – scacco alla regina soundtrack (1971)
burnt friedman/jaki liebezeit – secret rhythms (2002)
al cinema con edda dell’orso – (compilation)
mellow – cq soundtrack (2002)
deodato – percepcao (1972)
os gatos – os gatos (1970)
piero piccioni – maestro series vol. 1 (compilation)
system – system (2002)
nara laeo – dez anos depois (1971)
forma – a grande musica brasileira (compilation)
greek cinema vol. 2 – george hadjinassios (comp)
…a pile of francoise hardy lps, lots of morricone soundtracks, lalo schifrin, & ok…I like beck’s sea change too.
the trend away from “new music” continues. maybe I’m too old. maybe I’m a coward. maybe I’m just more impressed with the compositional skills of these composers of the past. i listened to a fair amount of new music this year. most of it is currently in my “unload” pile. there is just too much great music to discover from the obscure corners of history. Luckily, we live in a time when it has never been easier to seek out this stuff. So while the “new music” scene, by & large, fails pitifully to be cool (despite its desperate attempts), it is a great time to find great music. piccioni’s scacco alla regina soundtrack, for example, is some of the most beautiful, cool, weird, groovy music i have ever heard. the forma compilation is 3 cds of incredible brazilian music. i can thank “new music” culture for pointing the way to the roots of groove but there is so much more there than just retro-kitsch. there are more killer basslines on a piccioni soundtrack than on the latest Little Axe release. again, thanks to dusty groove america (an indespensible resource), the shops in bflo. & rochester, eBay, & a small handfull of other nuts who have shared their records with me.
mm cuba, ny