Kevin Falahee Poop ’12


cover of Japandroids - Celebration Rock  Buy New or Used via Amazon
#1 JAPANDROIDSCELEBRATION ROCK – the kind of album I’ve waited to be written since I was old enough to love music and really, really, really like girls.

cover of KENDRICK LAMAR – good kid, m.A.A.d city  Buy New or Used via Amazon
#2 KENDRICK LAMARgood kid, m.A.A.d city – fact: suburban white kids from the east coast are infatuated with California and gangsta rap almost as much as they are with guitars and heartbreak. Almost.

cover of FANG ISLAND – MAJOR  Buy New or Used via Amazon
#3 FANG ISLANDMAJOR – have you ever wondered what it would sound like if the Fucking Champs got a vocalist and said vocalist was Lindsay Buckingham? No? So you have a limited frame of reference for that comparison? Well, now, THAT’S unfortunate.

cover of FATHER JOHN MISTY – FEAR FUN  Buy New or Used via Amazon
FATHER JOHN MISTYFEAR FUN – as a teenager, I worked at the rectory in Fishkill. A certain priest used to jam out tunes by Mountain on my acoustic guitar (usually during the latter portions of my shifts). This album is almost as good as that. Also, that particular priest may have had a drinking problem.

cover of JOEY BADA$$ - 1999  Download mixtape for free
#5 JOEY BADA$$1999 – in 1992, my brother’s friend once made a rap mixtape (supra white kids and rap) that featured the talents of Black Sheep, Naughty By Nature, Cypress Hill, Too Short, the Ghetto Boys, and much more. This album takes me back to that mixtape, and thankfully, does not include the sporadic boners of 6th grade.

cover of CRAIG FINN – CLEAR HEART FULL EYES  Buy New or Used via Amazon
#6 CRAIG FINNCLEAR HEART FULL EYES – purposely sparse and unfairly ignored, a Hold Steady record it ain’t (but that don’t mean it ain’t good). They actually put that sentence on stickers and affix them to the record in Texas.

cover of METZ by METZ  Buy New or Used via Amazon
#7 METZMETZ – two Canadian bands already in my top ten? You know what this means? Sorry, Carly Rae…

cover of   Buy New or Used via Amazon
#8 THE DIRTY PROJECTORSSWING LO MAGELLAN – if I knew more about metaphysical poetry and less about “Dawson’s Creek,” this album would probably be higher on my list.

cover of WINTERLONG – FIVE SONGS EP  Download via Amazon
#9 WINTERLONGFIVE SONGS EP – well orchestrated atmospheric rock from Hudson Valley’s finest power-trio (Philip the Meatbox is a four-piece, right? Just checking)

cover of Dumb Talk - Dumb Talk  Download via Amazon
#10 DUMB TALKDUMB TALK – when someone first told me about this band, I thought their name was “Dumptruck.” I also thought that was a terrible name for a band. Happy to be wrong, I was (and shall always remain).

#11 FIDLAR DON’T TRY EP – not everything that only lasts seven minutes is disappointing, ladies
#12 GRIZZLY BEARSHIELDS – this is just a good record
#13 EL-PCANCER FOR CURE – Fantastic Damage came out 11 years ago? Seriously? 11 years? Goddammit.
#14 DIIV OSHIN – I suggested this record to a friend and when he asked what it sounded like I said, “less melancholy shoegaze with a slight garage feel.” He replied, “that’s my favorite kind of music!” I had no idea that description was its own genre.
#15 THE TALLEST MAN ON EARTHTHERE’S NO LEAVING NOW – did you know he’s only like 5’5”? He plays live shows like he’s at least 5’10” though.

FAVORITE SONG OF 2012(Sentimental Winner)
Craig Finn“Rented Room” – serving as a softly strummed reminder that there needn’t be a neon vacancy sign or limited linens to make where you lay your head feel far removed from home. Sometimes all it takes is change, and sometimes all change takes is time. Time and a really fucking sad song.

FAVORITE SONG OF 2012 (Non-Sentimental Winner, But Still Has Sentimental Value)
Japandroids“The House That Heaven Built” – there are nights we are meant to wallow, and there are nights we are meant to live – belting out exclamations with strangers and friends, with sweat and purpose, with elation and sorrow. It’s in this catharsis we find clarity, and even if it’s fleeting, you know the feeling will eventually make its way home to your headphones and, more importantly, to your heart.

Poop 2012 Mixtape

Side A Side B
New Friend Jesus – Craig Finn m.A.A.d city – Kendrick Lamar (feat MC Eiht)
Grown Up – Danny Brown Sisterly – Fang Island
Song for Zula – Phosphorescent Bad Girls – MIA
Stay Useless – Cloud Nothings Feels Like We’re Only Going Backwards – Tame Impala
We Are Never Getting Back Together – Taylor Swift The Full Retard – EL-P
Werkin’ Girls – Angel Haze Keep On Movin’- King Tuff
Under The Westway – Blur Goldie – A$AP Rocky
Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings – Father John Misty Fire’s Highway – Japandroids
Offspring Are Blank – Dirty Projectors Drag Queen Racer – Dumb Talk
Call Me, Maybe? – Carly Rae Jepsen Cheap Beer – FIDLAR
This Summer – Superchunk
Yet Again – Grizzly Bear There’s No Leaving Now – The Tallest Man on Earth

2012 Movies of Note
1) The Master; 2) Bernie; 3) Moonrise Kingdom; 4) Django Unchained; 5) Looper; 6) The Raid: Redemption; 7) Francine; 8) Sleepwalk with Me

Top Two (2) Things I Could Not Get Into That Other People Loved (or Also Loathed)
1) Grimes – Oblivion – I’m just not that into you
2) “The Newsroom” – this is just the most self-serving piece of shit ever to operate under the guise of “entertaining television.” I imagine Sorkin watches every episode pants-less, surrounded by tissues and his Emmys; his left hand clutching his Oscar with a kung fu grip as he furiously congratulates himself at every line of Jeff Daniels’s cantankerously misogynistic dialogue that he, yes he, King Sorkin so expertly crafted. Seriously, fuck that guy. The Social Network was dope, though.

Deliver us from anxiety, protect us from discomfort,
keep us floating up above the things that make us nervous.
Don’t hurt us…

Kevin Falahee
Astoria, NY