DeLaire Minneapolis, Minnesota It Be POOP 2008
Oh man I really enjoy just saying pompous and opinionated let alone writing it. Let’s see I’ve been segregating 2007 releases all year and before me are on my a list too long to mention . So I start with the one’s who never seem to leave the tray in the car ,in the bedroom ,all my replay devices.

1) Jeff Beck – Official Bootleg USA
This is recorded live in 2006 but I procured it 2007. The man ,the true rock n roll growl, the way a rock guitar should sound. His music growth always evident . Vinnie Colaiuta on drums. My fave fab of the year.

2) John McLaughlin – Industrial Zen
The opening track “For Jaco” sets the pace for this techno romp complete with loops and Zakir Hussain and that’s right give the drumma sum Vinnie Colaiuta. Superb.

3) Ray Davies – Working Man’s Café
I’ve been fortunate enough to get a copy of this gem from England to be released stateside in February. I always felt Ray Davies was such a proponent of English history and culture and if anyone deserved the Knight crap they participate in it would be Ray over Sir Paul. The songs are different than any thing he has written before and the spell of The Cresant City can be heard in the feel. He felt so strongly he took a bullet for his art or a broad or something like that.

4) Robert Wyatt – Comicopera
It’s amazing I heard this guy with The Soft Machine in oh 1970. Times change . This cat was progressive back then and I find this 3 part act brilliant. He brings in cats from all over the world and the flavor keep its continuity to my delight.

5) Joni Mitchell – Shine
Oh she shines with graceful ,magnificent musical ease. I wish she would run for office so I would have someone to vote for as her politics are for me
There is a reason Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter and the late Charles Mingus consider her a cat.

6) Herbie Hancock – River
She is back again The Joni Letters . The harmonic wisdom of a player of Herbie’s caliber interpreting the work of Miss Mitchell is a kiss to the ears and senses . Nora Jones ,Corrine Ray Bailey, and Tina Turner all add a positive and low and behold on traps Vinnie Colaiuta who gets eloquent on this one . Harmonically this work is a keeper.

7}Stevie Wonder #1’s
Yeah I know it’s a greatest hits album but it’s Lil Stevie Wonder for God sakes and I’ll say no more.

8) Annie Lennox – Songs of Mass Destruction
I’ve read reviews of this gals latest effort and they spoke of dark break up songs. I don’t hear a word she sings on this disk. All I know being a fan of “Sassy” (Sarah Vaughn )being my favorite female singer this English gal can belt out a tune with a fine range and that her voice blends with the instruments which are played proficiently and arranged perfectly to legitimize the form of Pop.

9) Bennie Maupin – The Jewel and the Lotus
Ok I lnow it was recorded in 1975 when Bennie was making money being one of Herbie Hancock’s Headhunters but I assure you this album isn’t funk and far from it. It is dignified and eloquent and just beautiful at times. There is some sparse playing but with this 2007 remaster you can hear the rests. The quiet between notes are worth the listen. I never thought I would become a bass clarinet fan.

10) Michael Brecker – Pilgrimage
Man I don’t think this tenor player was thinking about anything but just burning on this record. It hasn’t a hint of being a swan song. There is no fusion here just straight hard jazz fueled by Jack DeJohnette. You are missed My Man.
That’s it for 2007 .