Our fearles leader writes:
To the POmpous and OPinionated:
‘Tis the season to write POOPlists
Fa-la-la-la-la. . . .
It’s that time of the year. A refresher about the rules and deadlines:
Limit yourself to what would be 2 sides of 8×11 paper. Leave a slight margin so your swill does not get lost in the binding of the hard copy.
Any layout format that works for you works.
Copy sent as a WORD DOC works best for me.
NEW RULE: Despite my past pleas, last year set a record for $$ lost putting this together. Even though I get the printing/binding done at a discounted price, it still costs buckage. So while I usually have left it to the POOPster to donate whatever he sees fit to donate, I’m going to encourage a $5 minimum this time around. I do not make ANY money on this enterprise.
I no longer need a hard copy snail mailed.
Feel free to forward this to anyone you think might be interested in POOPing. You can refer them to pooplist.net (the right-hand column) for examples of POOPS past
The deadine this year will be Wednesday, January 29th.
Hope to hear from you again this year.
Mark Rosen (PoOP Overlord, Keeper of the Pompous Print Keys)
If you should like to contribute, send your PoOP to blog management: mark AT pooplist DOT net