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m. ward – post war

charlotte gainsbourgh – 5:55

holden – chevrotine

neko case – fox confessor brings the flood

root 70 – heaps dub

jenny lewis & the watson twins – rabbit fur coat

elodie frege – le jue des 7 erreurs

paul st. hilaire – a divine state of mind

stuart a. staples – leaving songs

rhythm & sound – see mi ya

carl henry brueggen – let’s talk about hi-fi ep
richard hawley – cole’s corner (05)
paul st. hilaire – unspecified (04)
juana molina – son
camille – les fils
lambchop – damaged
barry adamson – stranger on the sofa
calexico – garden ruin
soundtrack highlights…
gianfranco plenizio – la gatta in calore
stelvio cipriani – l’iguana dalla lingua di fuoco
sven libaek – inner space
franco de gemini – man with the harmonica
luis bacalov – l’amica
ennio morricone – deluxe edition
chico buarque – construcao
odette lara, quarteto em cy & as always, lots of vintage
bossa reissues & finds
guilty pleasure: francoise hardy – parentheses
it was a very good year. there are pockets of fine music in so many places. m. ward gets my vote for the years best. not only post war but his entire recorded output as well. the song "fuel for fire" from the transistor radio cd has to be one of the greatest songs of all time. $2,000 worth of new hi-fi equipment was a boost to my spirits too! there’s nothing like having your entire music collection re-engineered. took 20 years off my aging ears. managed to see some live music too…jenny lewis was great & neko case with martha wainwright were wonderful as well. & i’m very much looking forward to morricone in NYC in february. if the gods are willing…
mm cuba, ny