Articles by DamianC

Damian Cleary Poop ’11

pooplist …   Buy New or Used via amazon earth: angels of darkness, demons of light vol. 1:   Buy New or Used via amazon horseback: the gorgon tongue: impale golden horn+forbidden planet   Buy New or Used via amazon battles: gloss drop   Buy New or Used via amazon tim hecker: ravedeath 1972   Buy New or Used via amazon master musicians of bukkake: totem 3   Buy New or Used via amazon grails:deep politics   Buy New or Used via amazon haunted house (loren connors):blue ghost blues   Buy New or Used via amazon alvarius B: baroque primitiva   Try to Buy via Social Music Records…

Damian Cleary Poop 09

POO9 …a communique from the front… this is a declaration of WAr. their reign over our humanity, over our minds aand spirits is at an end. no longer will we be their consumers, their worker s, their voters, for we will no longer clean the trash fromm their gutters. we will atttack their systems, culture, government and all they build up, we will tear down. our soldiers are alreadyin their homes and schools, crouching in the dark corners near jukeboxxes in bars, behind the counters of local stores, pouring out into the streets of cities. everywhere. our bulllets are words,…